Most heat barrier coating uses ceramic as their base material because of the nature of ceramic itself that make it as the best heat reflector. There are two types of ceramic that are being used as the base material for heat barrier coatings, hollow ceramic sphere and solid ceramic (non-hollow) sphere.

Most conventional heat barrier coatings use hollow ceramic as their base materials, with particles ranging in size from 50μ to 300μ. It is the technology that NASA first developed to insulate its space shuttles from heat caused by atmospheric friction during launching. Hollow ceramic spheres have tiny air pockets whose function is to absorb heat. Many heat barrier coating manufacturers adopted this technology when NASA released it to the public. But, hollow ceramic does not make the best thermal barrier coating because it reflect some of the heat but at the same time also trapping heat inside the ceramic itself.
Heat barrier coatings with hollow ceramic spheres will not be able to prevent the heat island phenomenon because heat that is absorbed in the daytime will then be released in the nighttime (heat stays even when there is no more source of heat). Hollow ceramic spheres are also fragile, when exposed to thermal shocks (sudden temperature change, ex. sudden rain in the middle of a very hot day). Lab test shows the effect of a single thermal shock event can break up to 22% of the hollow ceramic spheres, and over a short period of time eventually it will lose its function and its ability to reflect heat (becomes normal paint). And because of the non-uniformity property of hollow ceramic spheres, upon application, it will produce rough coating surface that makes it to get dirty easily thus reducing the reflectance efficiency.

Adgreencoat® was developed in the pursuit of a heat exhaust effect and it is the only coating material that uses Non-Hollow (Solid) ceramics called *ADMAFINE®, with 0.5µ-sized ultra-fine particles which has a high solar reflective and heat exhaust functions. Adgreencoat® characteristic also has a high heat conductivity, low thermal expansion, enchanced heat resistance. It is also used worldwide to eliminate heat accumulation in precision apparatus, electronic devices, and semi-conductors.
Because of the nature of non-hollow ceramics, heat is not trapped in the coating layers, instead heat is reflected and exhausted. Heat barrier coatings with solid ceramic are very long lasting and very durable even when exposed to the most extreme case of thermal shocks due to their solid structure and does not get dirty easily because it produces smooth coating surface, attributable to ultra-fine particles.
** ADMAFINE was developed as the world first fine solid ceramic spheres by NCK (Nihon Chuo Kenkyujo) together with Admatech (a joint-venture company founded by Toyota Motor Corporation) (Applied for the International Joint Venture Patent).


Energy Saving

Economic Benefits


Green & Eco Mark

Eco Friendly

Globally patented coating system that saves energy costs and simultaneously works eco-friendly by reducing CO2 output. On top of this Adgreencoat contributes to a healthier environment.
Thermal Barrier/Heat Exhaust Coating Contributing to Global Environment
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